
Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan - Banda Sonora

James Horner
Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (Newly Expanded Edition Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1982/2009)

01: Main Title; 02: Surprise on Centi Alpha V; 03: Khan's Pets; 04a: The Eels of Centi Alpha V; 04b: Kirk in Space Shuttle; 05: Enterprise Clears Moorings; 06: Checkov Lies; 07: Spock; 08a: Kirk Takes Command; 08b: He Tasks Me; 09: Genesis Project (Craig Huxley); 10: Surprise Attack; 11: Kirk's Explosive Reply; 12: Inside Regula I; 13: Brainwashed; 14: Captain Terrell's Death; 15: Buried Alive; 16: The Genesis Cave; 17: Battle in the Mutara Nebula; 18: Enterprise Attacks Reliant; 19: Genesis Countdown; 20: Spock (Dies); 21: Amazing Grace; 22a: Epilogue; 22b: End Titles

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