
Nyman, Complete Piano Music

Michael Nyman interpretado por Jeroen van Veen
Nyman, Complete Piano Music (2016)

01: The Heart Asks Pleasure First I; 02: Lost And Found; 03: All Imperfect Things; 04: The Promise; 05: Big My Secret; 06: The Mood That Passes Through You; 07: Deep Sleep Playing; 08: The Embrace; 09: Silver-fingered Fling; 10: Here to There; 11: The Attraction of The Pedalling Ankle; 12: The Heart Asks Pleasure First II; 13: Jack; 14: Franklyn; 15: Nadia; 16: Debbie; 17: Bill; 18: Odessa Beach; 19: Diary of Love; 20: Digital Tragedy; 21: Fly Drive; 22: The Morrow; 23: The Departure; 24: The Exchange; 25: Why?; 26: The Schoolroom; 27: If; 28: Goodbye Moortie; 29: Chatterbox Waltz; 30: Candlefire; 31: Chasing Sheep Is Best Left to Shepherds; 32: Sheep ‘N’ Tides; 33: Time Lapse

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