
O Discurso do Rei

Tom Hooper
The King's Speech (2010)

Visto aos bocados, não deixou por isso de me impressionar muito. A história de alguém a lutar para vencer os seus medos, a descobrir-se e a afirmar-se, com a ajuda de um verdadeiro amigo.

King George VI: [Ao ver Logue a sentar-se no trono da coroação] What are you doing? Get up! You can't sit there! GET UP!
Lionel Logue: Why not? It's a chair.
King George VI: No, it... That is not a chair. That is... that is Saint Edward's chair.
Lionel Logue: People have carved their names on it.
King George VI: [Em simultâneo] That... chair... is the seat on which every king and queen...
Lionel Logue: [Em simultâneo] It's held in place by a large rock.
King George VI: That is the Stone of Scone. You ah-are trivializing everything. You trivialize...
Lionel Logue: I don't care about how many royal arseholes...
King George VI: Listen to me.
Lionel Logue: ...have sat in this chair.
King George VI: Listen to me. *Listen to me!*
Lionel Logue: Listen to you? By what right?
King George VI: By divine right, if you must. I am your king.
Lionel Logue: No, you're not. You told me so yourself. You said you didn't want it. Why should I waste my time listening...?
King George VI: Because I have a right to be heard! I have a voice!
Lionel Logue: [Pausa] Yes, you do.
[Pausa maior]
Lionel Logue: You have such perseverance, Bertie. You're the bravest man I know. You'll make a bloody good king.

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