

Austin Wintory
Abzu (2016)

Mais uma banda sonora de um jogo por este jovem compositor.

01: To Know, Water; 02: Heaven Was Not Named; 03: Seriola Lalandi; 04: And The Earth Did Not Year Bear A Name; 05: Delphinus Delphis; 06: No Field Was Formed; 07: Caranx Ignobilis; 08: Myliobatis Aquila; 09: No Destinies Ordained; 10: Balaenoptera Musculus; 11: Architeuthis; 12: Chaos, The Mother; 13: Arandaspis Prionotolepis; 14: Elasmosaurus Platyurus; 15: Ichthyosaurus Communis; 16: Osteoglossum Bicirrhosum; 17: Their Waters Were Mingled Together; 18: Then Were Created The Gods In The Midst Of Heaven

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