Philip Glass Notes On A Scandal - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2006)
A terceira nomeação de Philip Glass para o Óscar de Melhor Banda Sonora Original, depois de Kundun (1997) e de The Hours (2002), e a terceira vez que foi preterido...
01: First Day Of School;
02: The History;
03: Invitation;
04: The Harts;
05: Discovery;
06: Confession;
07: Stalking;
08: Courage;
09: Sheba & Steven;
10: The Promise;
11: Good Girl;
12: Sheba's Longing;
13: Someone In Your Garden;
14: A Life Lived Together;
15: Someone Has Died;
16: Betrayal;
17: It's Your Choice;
18: Barbara's House;
19: Going Home;
20: I Knew Her
Editado em 2020.10.20: substituído o video Rq3l7Ju1V_U pela lista OLAK5uy_nXaqIyKhFzgmGln-xisMFQQtBnkCVTKA0
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