
Batman Begins - Banda Sonora

Hans Zimmer e James Newton Howard
Batman Begins (2005)

Regresso à música de Hans Zimmer, aqui em conjunto com James Newton Howard, para comporem música em temas separados para as duas personalidades da personagem principal do filme Batman, o Início.
O (re)início de uma saga da banda desenhada adaptada ao cinema é a sugestão musical para o (re)início de um novo ano.

01: Opening Titles; 02: Young Bruce Falls; 03: Prison Nightmare; 04: Meeting Ducard; 05: The Long Walk; 06: Monastery; 07: Father to te Rescue; 08: Bruce's Discomfort; 09: Mugging; 10: Training; 11: Campfire; 12: Courthouse; 13: Your System is Broken; 14: Meeting Falcone; 15: Decision; 16: Hide in the Dark; 17: Initiation into League; 18: Temple Fight; 19: Return to Gotham; 20: Crane Warns Rachel; 21: The Bat Cave; 22: Wayne Enterprises; 23: Prototypes; 24: Preparing Equipment; 25: Batman Visits Gordon; 26: Why Bats ?; 27: Dockyard Ambush; 28: Rachel Attacked; 29: Microwave Stolen; 30: Meeting Rachel; 31: Crane's Mask; 32: Gordon at Home; 33: Batman on Fire; 34: Finder's Keepers; 35: Fox is Fired; 36: Making Medicine; 37: Fight in Crane's Lab; 38: Back Up; 39: Batmobile Chase; 40: Rachel in Bat Cave; 41: Your Father's Name; 42: Crane Interrogated; 43: Ducard Appears; 44: Ducard & Gotham's Fate; 45: Bruce Left for Dead; 46: Antidote; 47: Batman Arrives; 48: Rescues Rachel; 49: Final Confrontation; 50: Train Fight; 51: Danger Over; 52: Surveying the Ruins; 53: Gordon Says Thanks; 54: End Credits

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