
The Little Fete

música do álbum China (1979)

aqui passei o álbum que inclui esta música, mas em mais uma Lua Cheia que hoje se completa, faço agora destaque para esta pequena pérola:

I take a bottle of wine and I go drink it
Among the flowers, we are always three
Counting my shadow and my friend
The shimmering moon

Happily the moon knows nothing of drinking
And my shadow is never thirsty, when I sing
The moon listens to me in silence
When I dance, my shadow dances too

After all festivities the guests must depart
This sadness I do not know
When I go home, the moon goes with me
And my shadow follows me

Poema de Li Po (ou Li Bai, 701-762)

06: The Little Fete;

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